A day before, Ashwini achieved what we all thought was almost an impossible goal. He rode his bicycle from Nagpur to Washim and backโ€”a distance of 600 km, almost non-stop and finished the event within 40 hours, the stipulated time for the completion of the event.

By doing so, Ashwini became a Super Randonneurโ€”a title awarded by an international governing body. He began to ride last October and successfully completed 200, 300, 400 and 600 km rides within a calendar year.

All though those 40 hours, our heartsโ€”filled with a sense of urgency, anticipation, and excitementโ€”were beating faster than his. As he reached the target, Zero Mile, Sadar, Nagpur, and lifted his cycle up to celebrate his victory, we heaved a collective sigh of huge relief.  Now our hearts were swollen with justifiable pride and a sense of achievement!

Well done, Ashwini! May you continue to ride longer and faster! And may you succeed in making more people take cycling to their hearts.