
On Doctor’s Day, with pride we stand,

At ๐— ๐—š๐—œ๐— ๐—ฆ, we guide medicine’s art firsthand.

Through patient care and hands-on grace,

We nurture skills that that time can’t efface.



India has 700 medical schools, is MGIMS just one of them?

No, we boast a five-decade tradition of fame and name.

MGIMS? Shakespeare would have shrugged, โ€œWhat is in a name?โ€

We would say, โ€œPlentyโ€”Satya, Karuna, and Prem.โ€



Has medicine turned into just a profession, losing its calling?

This thought makes the oldies both sad and worrying.

In a world where commerce drives testing and intervention,

We must remember our true purpose and intention.



At MGIMS, we teach and train medical students and PGs,

Guiding them through vast medical mountains and seas.

Through constant mentoring, they acquire the healing art,

MGIMS doctors heal patients with both head and heart.



So what if they’re not paid what they’re due,

On money matters, they dont crib or rue.

Through nights of toil, our doctors, skilled and bright,

They bring light where darkness once cast its blight.



Knowledge forms the bedrock of our care,

Ethics, compassion, empathy, all are there.

We acknowledge that technology is crucial,

But heartfelt clinical care remains just as essential.



In a world where doctors often seek fame and wealth,

MGIMS stands apart, prioritizing true health.

Here, we embrace both the art and science of healing,

Isn’t it the reason we find Sevagram so fulfilling and appealing!



The wards are bustling, patients in deep repose,

Yet I must rouse them, with vows I chose.

Many lives to touch before I rest,

I must stay vigilant, giving my best.
