Rakesh Khera (MGIMS Class of 1986) took to urology like a duck to water. Much water has flown since he acquired his MCH in Urosurgery, but his insatiable thirst for knowledge remains unquenched.

Rakesh has just put up a book on Urinary Tract Infections.

Although UTIs are common, doctors do not know how to handle them. Badly neglected, poorly detected, irrationally treated and terribly managed, UTI can be a source of incessant sorrow to the sufferer. Rakesh invited healthcare professionals from a wide range of medical specialties, asked them to blend their experience with evidence and then edited the book, the way surgeons would wield their scalpels. Self-admittedly, he spent two years to make sure that the authors produce a clear and accurate prose and do not colour it by their whims and idiosyncrasies.

I havenโ€™t read the book yet. But I do hope that this treatise would help the doctors understand scientific ways to treat or prevent UTISโ€”in the communities, outpatient settings, wards, intensive care units and geriatric homes. It is not easy to conquer the microbes that thrive in a human bladder and doctors are known to make terrible mistakes when they encounter microbes in the urinary tract. I hope that this book should help doctors know how to deliver a blow that knocks them out.