Beginning May 2020, we admitted hundreds of patients with COVID. But in the middle of last month, something changed. Patients arrived with problems we had not yet seen in the pandemic: people were not only breathless and feverish but also had pain and pressure behind their cheekbones and around their eyes. Some lost their vision. …

When Covid goes to the villages
Rural India. A third of our population lives in rural India. The COVID-19 pandemic has now entered rural parts of our country and these areas are now carrying twice as much as disease burden as the urban and semi-urban areas. The hospitals in our cities are towns are overloaded and overwhelmed. Our rural infrastructure is …

Covid and Mucor
Covid associated mucormycosis has hit the country. The fungus has also made its way in Covid wards and ICU in Sevagram. The fungus is fast and furious, it destroys the skin, soft tissue and bones as it invades the blood vessels and causes infarction and necrosis of tissues. It enters into paranasal sinuses, quickly spreads …
Dr KK Aggarwal
On May 5,1982, on a hot afternoon, I entered the MGIMS medicine ward in Sevagram. Unlike the noisy government medical college, Nagpur where I was trained, this hospital sounded remarkably calm and tranquil. I ran into an unkempt resident in the medical ward doing a pleural tap at the patientโs bedside. With a stethoscope hanging …
Covid19. Evidence based management for hospitalised patients
I designed an evidence-based management protocol for managing patients admitted to our teaching hospital with Covid19. The concept was minimalist: excluding irrational, untested, unproven therapies and focusing only on those which have been shown to work in large randomised trials. Here is a YouTube link to the powerpoint presentation:
Covid: Make haste slowly
The novel anti-Covid medicines look promising and appealing, but I’d urge caution in interpreting the study results…
Covid and EBM- or lack of it…
The novel anti-Covid medicines look promising and appealing, but I’d urge caution in interpreting the study results…

Is Remdesivir a Rambaan remedy for Covid?
Last week, the district collector called a meeting. The meeting was attended, among other, by local MLAs, MPs, bureaucrats and doctors from the two medical colleges in the district. The second wave had peaked and more patients were seeking hospital admissions than the hospital could provide. ICU beds were at a premium and hospitals were …
A hand written note
They say that handwriting is more connected to the movement of heart. In this era of emojis and keyboard fonts, getting a beautifully hand written letter is really precious ! And that too from a very distinguished and respected teacher. This beautiful writing is a reflection of a beautiful heart and a kind soul